Friday, 14 March 2014

Porn Pick

As well as beavering away at what I'm now calling my "CFNM novel" (!), I'm also busy trying to refresh the visual content of this blog, because I'm a firm believer that nothing complements the written word like some tasty pix of nakedly nude bods. Anyway, you should see plenty of new links appearing in the Galleries panel, including some from NIP-Activity, who are the source of these pix:

Lovely, buxom model with glowing roses-and-cream complexion, and a peaceful, dreamy vibe - very nice! And as I'm all about public nudity, only one naked and so forth, this kind of thing is very much up my street. You can see more of the pix here.

And while I'm about it, I can't resist sharing this other photoshoot. Here a lovely nudie really gets in among the people, strolling through a bustling market:

How does she do it? She looks so calm and statuesque. But then I've often said all a girl really needs to feel dressed is a bangle and some knee-high boots. You can see more of this shoot here.

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